An evaluation of the About Boys Course(ABC)
This report describes the results and findings of an evaluation of the About Boys Coursesrun by the Boys Development Projectbetween October and December 2012. The evaluation has two components, the first comprising a post-course survey by self-completion questionnaire of 209 mothers; the second, a follow-up with a sub-sample of 50 by ‘phone interview.
Two Investigation
As the Stand Out Boys Project (SOBP) was developing, we carried out two investigations to fill gaps we thought were essential for us to understand. The first was to see if we could identify the characteristics that boys, who were underachieving (or were low achievers) by year 6, were showing.
An Evaluation of the Stand Out Boys Project (SOBP)
This report describes the outcomes of an evaluation of the Stand Out Boys Project (SOBP)undertaken by the Boys Development Projectbetween September 2012 and July 2013. SOBP targeted boys in reception and year 1 of three primary schools in South London who ‘stood out’ because they lackedthe social and behavioural skills required to succeed at school.