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Stand Out Boys Project

SOBP targets children (but mainly boys) in reception, who are finding it
difficult to settle into school. The aim is to help them develop the skills
they need to get the most from the classroom, and reduce their risk of


Girls continue to outperform boys at all levels of education in the UK from foundation to higher education; boys are four
times more likely to be permanently excluded from school than girls and at least nine times more likely to have a learning difficulty. While boys are at least half of the top 20% (at all levels), they are more than three- quarters of the bottom 20%, so it isn't 'all-boys', but some underachieving boys.

This project, aims to prevent underachievement, by targeting those boys (as they come into reception), who show characteristics that will prevent them from settling into their learning. Schools are seeing more children (particularly boys) who are unwilling (or unable) to take instructions; have low communication skills; are easily ‘wound up’ by others; easily distracted; over-physical and seemingly unable to show self-control. There can be as many as three
children in each reception class who exhibit some of these characteristics.


In this project, we identify children that ‘stand out’; engage their parents and teachers, and offer strategies (to both) to develop children’s behaviour and learning skills. By using an approach that is practical and effective, when both parents and teachers are receptive, we have seen relatively quick and significant changes in children’s behaviour, and in turn an active engagement in their learning.


We are in the ninth year of this project, and while the first two years, were funded by The Paul Hamlyn Foundation, individual schools now buy in the initiative.


For more detailed information Click Here , and to view the Paul Hamlyn evaluation report (2012-13), Click Here.

Contact details:
Project lead: Trefor Lloyd 07788781759 &

Boys' Development Project

0208 693 7684.

270 Lordship Lane,
Dulwich, London SE22 8LY

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